Weekly Eats

This past week we had beautiful weather here in Michigan.  It felt like summer was right around the corner.  We took full advantage and have been grilling and eating outside as much as possible.  It seems like dinner is a little more special when it is eaten al fresco.  I thought I would share a couple of the meals we have been enjoying lately.

1. Grilled salmon, grilled bread with pesto, and roasted carrots with cumin and parsley

2. Steak fajitas and chips with guacamole.  Tip: marinate bell peppers and onions before grilling to get great flavor.


3. Grilled Pizzas.  A pesto potato for me and one for Derek.  I think it had jalapeno, olives, onions, and pepperoni.


4. Sesame chicken with two salads: Brussels sprout salad and arugula salad.  I used this chicken recipe for a crockpot but made it on the stovetop.

I hope you are able to enjoy some meals outside too!

Be Happy, Be Healthy!


Spring Garden

  garden Collage

Things are happening in our garden!  I planted some seeds about two weeks ago and also bought some starter plants.

So far I’ve planted lettuce, peas, beets, and red onions from seed.  Everything is up except the red onions.  I bought green lettuce, kale, acorn squash, eggplant, pole beans,  zucchini, and cucumbers as starter plants.  Unfortunately the cucumbers look pretty bad. I think last week’s cool temps were a little too chilly so I might have to get some more of those.  Lesson learned but I was just so excited to get planting!

I hope to also grow tomatoes, lots of different herbs, and peppers this year.   We have a pretty big space for a garden but it gets filled up fast.  I am thinking of experimenting with some vertical gardens this year.  We have a wood fence that gets great sunlight which I think would be the perfect spot.



Has anyone ever tried vertical gardening?   If yes, what are your tips?

Be Happy, Be Healthy!


A Surprising Tip for Healthy Eating


I am guilty of a very unhealthy eating habit and I’m here to confess. I am a ridiculously fast eater. I am especially bad when I’m by myself. This is not good and I am going to commit to slowing down.

When you inhale your food, it doesn’t allow enough time for your stomach to communicate to your brain that you are full.  It takes about 20 minutes for this communication to happen.  Eating too fast can lead to overeating and also it gets you out of the practice of recognizing satiety (fullness) cues. There is a very complicated system involving hormones, nerve signals, and digestive enzymes that our bodies go through every time we eat.

Here’s a quick explanation from Harvard Health Publications if you are interested in the details:
Stretch receptors in the stomach are activated as it fills with food or water; these signal the brain directly through the vagus nerve that connects gut and brainstem. Hormonal signals are released as partially digested food enters the small intestine. One example is cholecystokinin (CCK), released by the intestines in response to food consumed during a meal. Another hormone, leptin, produced by fat cells, is an adiposity signal that communicates with the brain about long-range needs and satiety, based on the body’s energy stores. Research suggests that leptin amplifies the CCK signals, to enhance the feeling of fullness. Other research suggests that leptin also interacts with the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain to produce a feeling of pleasure after eating. The theory is that, by eating too quickly, people may not give this intricate hormonal cross-talk system enough time to work.  (source)

Basically, if you eat slow you may end up eating less which could be a good thing if you are overeating or trying to lose weight.  The goal is to find that sweet spot where you are satisfied but not overly stuffed.  Easier said than done I know.

Since this is a problem of mine, here are the tips I’m going to follow to get myself to slow down:

1. Chew thoroughly.  Seems like a no brainer but if I actually pay attention to how much I’m chewing I realize that I’m not chewing my food as well as I should be.  The digestion process actually starts in the mouth with the secretion of all kinds of digestive enzymes that start to break up the chemical bonds in food.  If you chew too fast, you’re missing out on that process!  If food reaches the stomach that hasn’t been chewed properly, the stomach has to work extra hard and that can lead to stomach cramps, indigestion, and gas (fun!)

You should be able to swallow your food with ease and there really shouldn’t be much sensation as you swallow.  The food should also be a consistent texture before you swallow.  For example, if you are eating a sandwich you shouldn’t be able to distinguish the different foods (bread, veggies, meat) in one bite, it should all be chewed to one homogenous texture.  (Btw, I apologize if this grosses you out!  It does me a little too but it is important to think about.)

2. Put down your fork or spoon between each bite.  Each bite should take some time and if I make an effort to pause after each bite I think I’ll automatically take more time to chew.  Putting down your utensil is a good reminder to slow  down.

3. Be mindful while you eat.  In other words, remove those distractions!  This is definitely a tough one.  I am guilty of eating at my desk at work or coming home after a long day and eating dinner on the couch while watching TV.  Unfortunately, these distractions cause our brains to forget how much we have eaten which can lead to overeating and eating more later in the day.  Not every meal can be a long sit down affair but at least look away from your computer screen or put down your phone while eating.

I hope these tips are a helpful to those other speed eaters out there.

Be Happy, Be Healthy!

Tips for Staying Green Around the House


Happy Earth Day! I am a definte tree hugger at heart and love Earth Day.  I know I’m not perfect but I thought I would share a couple of things I do around the house to try to stay as green as possible.  These are the simplest of tips and if you aren’t already doing these things, what are you waiting for?

1. I try to use as little paper products as possible in the kitchen.  So we actually have two very large drawers dedicated to dish towels, rags, and cloth napkins.  I just throw them in with the rest of the laundry every week.  We rarely use paper towels or paper napkins.  Got to save those trees!_DJG1256

2. Under our sink we have the two things that make the biggest impact.  First, vinegar.  I try to use vinegar to clean as much as possible.  I do use some other cleaning products.  But nothing beats vinegar and baking soda for cleaning the sink and who doesn’t love to watch the vinegar/baking soda reaction.

Second, a compost bucket.  We compost all our kitchen scraps.  Keeping this bucket under the sink makes it pretty easy and it is surprising how quickly it fills up.  Composting also cuts way down on the amount of garbage we produce.  Between composting and recycling I would say we produce just one small bag of actual garbage a week.

We just got a legit composter that is outside our back door.  Before we just had a spot in the back yard that was fenced in with pallets. Unfortunately our dogs kept using it as an all-you-can-eat buffet so we opted for this double barrel one from Costco.  I’m excited to hopefully get some usable compost this summer.


3. Earth friendly cleaning products –  I know these products aren’t as good to the Earth as straight ole vinegar but at least they are a step in the right direction.


4. Reusable mop head – It might be weird how much I like .   It is a microfiber mop for hardwood floors and it does such a good job at picking up dog hair.  The heads are washable so you can use it over and over.   Plus if I can get away with a quick sweep with this mop instead of using the vacuum – energy saved!


5. Resuable grocery bags – We have an absurd amount of re-bags but they get used a ton.  One of my weird pet peeves is seeing people at the grocery store without re-bags.  And don’t get me started on those plastic produce bags (they aren’t necessary!).

6. Reusable water bottles – I take a water bottle with me everywhere I go.  You’ll never find me buying a bottle of water – no way!

These are just a few super simple tips that I do on an everyday basis.  I hope you are able to take amount today to make a change that will help the Earth.  Happy Earth Day!

Be Happy, Be Healthy!

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I’m so ready for the weekend – this week was a looong one.  It looks like the weekend is going to be beautiful weather- hopefully perfect for a 13 mile run.  Last long run before the Borgess Half Marathon!

I haven’t been able to do a Friday Faves in a while so I’m looking forward to sharing some of the things I’ve been loving lately.

1. Favorite snack/sandwich:  Fresh raspberries and almond butter on Ezekiel bread has been a daily snack lately.  I would have loved to take a more appetizing picture but to tell you the truth I was starving and had to devour this immediately.  Try this combination!


2. Favorite App – Calm

I go through periods where I’m really good about doing a short daily meditation and then I’ll get out of the habit.  Lately I’ve been pretty good and I think it is do to this app.  It is so easy to use and the background noises are so relaxing (I like the mountain lake choice).  I have the free version but there is a upgraded version with more options. The free version has timed sessions of varying lengths (2-30 minutes), the option for a guided session, or just the plain background noise.  I like to do it right when I wake up, get home from work, or right before bed.  But truthfully you could do the short sessions just about anytime throughout the day – just not while driving please!  Read about some of the benefits of mediation here.

3. Favorite Nail Polish – Revlon #917 Plum Seduction

I just got this nail polish a couple of weeks ago and have already worn it 2-3 times which is a lot for me since I don’t usually paint my fingernails at all.  But this bright fuschia is just singing “Spring is here!” to me.  It’s a little more on the purple side in real life compared to the pic.  Also, I haven’t used Revlon nail polish before but it holds up pretty well to chipping and smudging.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Be Happy, Be Healthy!