What I Ate Wednesday

This is a WIAW from yesterday which was my day off.

Smoothie while huddled under a blanket


2nd breakfast of scrambled eggs on top of avocado toast

A delicious orange snack – citrus is at its peak right now!


KIND bars are my go to car snack


Costco samples.  Verdict: I would buy the cheddar cheese but pass on the choc popcorn granola


Lunch was homemade minestrone and Costco Asian salad mix

Pre run snack – banana, pretzels, and almond butter

Post run – Nuun and a pickle (not pictured)

I came home to this beautiful salad made by Derek plus a side of lasagna.


Ended the night with a little cake and ice cream.

Hope you have a great day!

Be Happy, Be Healthy!


What I Ate Wednesday

This WIAW was from a day that I was home all day and I was definitely having a hollow day.  A day where I just couldn’t get full and snacks happened.  I’m linking up with Peas & Crayons for this WIAW – head there to see the eats of many different bloggers!

Started with a monster smoothie as usual.

Next was a homemade pumpkin muffin (these are my weakness) with peanut butter and coconut tea.  This tea smells delicious but I’m not sure if I’m a fan of Oolong tea…it tasted a little weird to me.


Lunch was sweet potato and parsnip soup and a pizza salad.  Basically leftover homemade pizza on top of greens – it was good!

Raspberry, lemon, ginger water made with this handy water infuser.

An orange and (more!) pumpkin muffins…at least these were mini sized.

And the snacking continues with some licorice and as always a side of German Shepherd.


Well surprisingly the licorice did not hold me over.  Next random snack is leftover homemade chickpea sliders with chunks of cheese.  I think I also ended up dunking these in ketchup.


Finally I made it to dinner.  We had roasted chicken, brussel sprouts, and brown rice pilaf.  I threw some mango chutney on my chicken and rice for a little added flavor.

Oh yeah, can’t forget about a little Ben and Jerry’s.


I’m ok with my veggie intake for this day but I probably didn’t need the licorice, muffins, and the ice cream.  But oh well, hollow days happen and I’m ok with it.  It’s all about balance and moderation.  Every day isn’t going to be perfect.  And now I know if there are pumpkin muffins in the house, they are getting eaten!

Be Happy, Be Healthy!

What I Ate Wednesday – Cold Fighting Edition

This WIAW I’m posting what I ate yesterday which was mostly spent at home due to the start of a cold.  But…I’m going to fight it with lots of water, healthy foods, and sleep!  Here’s a WIAW when battling a cold:


Kitchen sink smoothie by the light of the tree.


Jar of water #1 and #2.

Blueberry oatmeal with homemade almond milk, butter, maple syrup, and walnuts.


Salad with spinach, tomato, squash, yellow pepper, and goat cheese plus water jar #3.  (Side note: Yellow bell pepper has the highest Vitamin C content of any other fruit or veg – take that sickness!)


Perfect afternoon tea for a scratchy throat.

This soup is becoming an all time favorite around here.  It is one recipe that I follow exactly and it always turns out delicious.

IMG_2293.JPG IMG_2300.JPG

Jar of water #4 and an orange that I only ate part of – I don’t think the citrus is quite at its peak yet.


Dinner out for a Junior League meeting.  I had a salad (picture half eaten already) and white chicken chili plus lots more water.


I ended the night with  a couple pieces of chocolate – if you like ginger, try this chcolate – it is so good!!!

Be Happy, Be Healthy!

What I Ate Wednesday

Starting off with a typical smoothie full of frozen berries, kale, beets, carrots, apples, etc.

Mid morning snack of homemade applesauce.


And a fresh baked cookie (recipe coming soon!).


Lunch was dinner leftovers – cauliflower mash and homemade chicken pot pie. (My first attempt at a pot pie and it was a success!)


Two more cookies with peanut butter and an apple as an afternoon snack.

Dinner was a bit random but sometimes that happens on busy nights.  First we had some kale chips with salt, garlic and onion powder, and shredded cheddar.  Salty and good!IMG_2245.JPG

Then we had a chicken sandwich with shredded chicken, pineapple, Jarlsberg, and avocado – kind of like a Hawaiian sandwich  but a little bit weirder. 

Today was a little short on fresh veggies but not everyday is perfect.  :)

Be Happy, Be Healthy!

What I Ate Wednesday

Some mornings I like to start out with hot water and lemon.  I woke up with a bit of a scratchy throat so this felt nice on this cold morning.

photo 1

Then I had a weird craving for something salty so I had some leftover potato soup.  Not every breakfast has to be conventional, you know?

photo 2

I took my smoothie with me to work.  We had a training this morning and I would be lying if I said I didn’t get some strange looks when I pulled this out of my bag. Oh well, no shame in being healthy.

photo 3

Honeycrisp apple snack – it’s been a great apple season!

photo 4

Next snack – trail mix on my drive home.  I needed to stop at the grocery store and I do not do well when shopping hungry.  Can you say hanger and impulse buys??

photo 5

For lunch I had a salad with roasted squash and wild rice.  Random pairing but it worked.  I also had a leftover piece of grilled pizza.  Someone stole a rather large bite but I’ll let it slide…this time. :) photo 1 (2)

Dinner was roasted pork tenderloin, sweet potatoes, and more salad with random toppings (hard boiled eggs, bell pepper, and pecans).



Dessert was a piece of dark chocolate.  Salted almond is a delicious combo.

photo 3 (2)

Finally I finished the night with a cup of my new favorite tea. It is called Orange Cream and I picked it up at a local tea shop Tudor House Tea & Spice.  It tastes just like a creamsicle!

photo 4 (2)