New Food Find: Siggi’s Yogurt


_DJG1107.NEFI was recently asked what brand of flavored yogurt is the healthiest.  Which is a great question because the yogurt aisle can be a little overwhelming right now especially since and more and more brands are coming out with new “healthy” or “fit” versions.

There is one brand that sticks out to me as one of the best and that is siggi’s.  More protein than sugar and no crazy preservatives or artificial ingredients – sounds perfect but does it taste good?  I say yes!  The flavors are very subtle but I think they are delicious.


I also love the story behind the brand.  From Siggi’s website:

siggi’s dairy began in 2004 when Siggi felt homesick for a staple of his childhood diet, skyr, a thick, creamy, high-protein yogurt from his native Iceland. The yogurts he found on shelves in the US were much too sweet and artificial for his liking. His mother sent him a recipe and with that, he began making skyr in his small New York City kitchen. Within just a few months, Siggi refined his technique, quit his day job and moved his humble skyr-making operation from his home kitchen to a full-scale dairy plant in Upstate New York.

I would say this yogurt is a cross between regular yogurt and Greek yogurt.  It is very smooth but not too thick.  My favorite flavor is vanilla.  Check out those bean flecks!

My go to snack lately has been siggi’s with berries, walnuts, and coconut flakes.


I also love that the label peels right off for easy recycling.

_DJG1117I find siggi’s at Meijer and yesterday is was on sale for 4/$5.  I stocked up!

Have you tried siggi’s yet??

Be Happy, Be Healthy!

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