As we approach one of the busiest travel days of the year, I thought I would share some of my favorite travel snacks. Derek and I are headed south for Thanksgiving this year, and because we’re hitting the road instead of flying we have lots of room to pack healthy food (although even when I fly I also try to pack a decent amount of food because airport food usually gets my award for being the worst and most overpriced).
Our destination is South Carolina and the plan is to split the drive over two days. We booked an Air B&B for the overnight with the hope of cooking a healthy breakfast before getting in the car for the second day of the trip (probably will cook eggs with avocado and have a granola with yogurt and pomegranate arils).
This definitely takes some time and pre-planning but I think it is worth it. Before we left I made the following:
Apricot Energy Bites
Two chia puddings with fresh fruit (I used fresh pomegranate and mango)
Quinoa salad with roasted sweet potatoes, black beans, avocado
Hard boiled eggs
Deseeded a pomengrante (How to deseed a pomegranate)
Cut up veggies (carrots, celery, peppers)
I also packed:
Deli turkey
Miso soup packets (just add hot water)
Ginger chews (the best for car sickness)
Tea* (I usually will just fill up my travel mug with hot water at gas stations)
Home made almond milk
*This tea can be very helpful during travel if you are struggling to be successful in the bathroom if you know what I mean 😉
Other items that I find useful when traveling (most of these items are to hopefully help avoid creating extra waste/garbage when possible) :
Water bottle
Travel mug
Travel spork
Metal straw
Cloth napkins
Tiftin or any type of food storage container (can be used as a plate/bowl). I have this one and like it.
To some people, this may seem like an extreme amount of food to pack, but for long trips when you are sitting for hours on end the last thing you want to fuel your body with is fast food that will make you queasy in the car. I would much rather pack food and find a nice spot to have a little picnic and maybe spend some time taking a short walk instead of stopping at a restaurant.
I hope everyone has safe travels this holiday season!