What I Ate Wednesday


8:00 am – Typical weekday kitchen sink smoothie.  Derek made the smoothie again and the ingredient list is intense: almond milk, 2 bananas, watermelon, kale, beet greens, carrot, beet, chia seeds, flax meal, hemp hearts, frozen blueberrries and strawberries, and cucumber.   These smoothies are taking on a life of their own but this one did keep me pretty satisfied for about 3 hours.


11:00 am – Freshly made zucchini bread with peanut butter. I used this recipe that I found on Pinterest.  I made a couple modifications.  First, I cut the recipe in half so it only made one loaf, added about a 1/2 cup of extra zucchini (we have an abundance of zucchini right now), and I used two whole eggs instead of whites.  Egg  yolks are little nutritional goldmines so I rarely omit them.


12:00 pm Homemade veggie soup.  I made this earlier in the week in the crockpot.  It has split peas, potatoes, (white and sweet) zucchini, carrots, onions, and peppers.

photo 1

2:00 pm KIND bar  This variety is a little too good.

photo 2

5:00 Granola with almond milk, blueberries, and peaches.  I was starving after work so I gobbled up this snack.


7:00pm Goat cheese and sundried tomato ravioli with pesto and cherry tomatoes along with a small salad.  Can’t beat fresh made pesto!


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