What I Ate Wednesday

Some mornings I like to start out with hot water and lemon.  I woke up with a bit of a scratchy throat so this felt nice on this cold morning.

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Then I had a weird craving for something salty so I had some leftover potato soup.  Not every breakfast has to be conventional, you know?

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I took my smoothie with me to work.  We had a training this morning and I would be lying if I said I didn’t get some strange looks when I pulled this out of my bag. Oh well, no shame in being healthy.

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Honeycrisp apple snack – it’s been a great apple season!

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Next snack – trail mix on my drive home.  I needed to stop at the grocery store and I do not do well when shopping hungry.  Can you say hanger and impulse buys??

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For lunch I had a salad with roasted squash and wild rice.  Random pairing but it worked.  I also had a leftover piece of grilled pizza.  Someone stole a rather large bite but I’ll let it slide…this time. :) photo 1 (2)

Dinner was roasted pork tenderloin, sweet potatoes, and more salad with random toppings (hard boiled eggs, bell pepper, and pecans).



Dessert was a piece of dark chocolate.  Salted almond is a delicious combo.

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Finally I finished the night with a cup of my new favorite tea. It is called Orange Cream and I picked it up at a local tea shop Tudor House Tea & Spice.  It tastes just like a creamsicle!

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