What I Ate Wednesday

This is a WIAW from yesterday which was my day off.

Smoothie while huddled under a blanket


2nd breakfast of scrambled eggs on top of avocado toast

A delicious orange snack – citrus is at its peak right now!


KIND bars are my go to car snack


Costco samples.  Verdict: I would buy the cheddar cheese but pass on the choc popcorn granola


Lunch was homemade minestrone and Costco Asian salad mix

Pre run snack – banana, pretzels, and almond butter

Post run – Nuun and a pickle (not pictured)

I came home to this beautiful salad made by Derek plus a side of lasagna.


Ended the night with a little cake and ice cream.

Hope you have a great day!

Be Happy, Be Healthy!



  1. mom says

    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I learned some new ideas and I want to try the yogurt and the hairbrush. Also I’m very proud of you. Love, Mom

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