I’m a bit behind in my 52 books in a year goal but it’s only April so I’m not too worried. Here are the books I’ve finished lately:
5. by Bill Buford – This book took me forever to get through. It is a very very detailed account of a man’s experience working in one of Mario Batali’s kitchens along with whole chapters on the history of different Italian foods. If you are really into learning about ravioli or polenta this is the book for you. It was interesting at times but it wasn’t what I would call a real page-turner.
6. by John Green – This was a quick and easy read. Tragic per John Green’s usual but still good nonetheless.
7. by Atul Gawande – Oh my, this book is a must read for anyone working in the healthcare industry or with older populations. It delves into the struggle of dealing with death in a medical setting and touches on everything from how doctors talk to their dying patients to the benefits of hospice. Even though it’s a tough topic I highly recommend this book.
Here’s short video with Atul Gawande describing Being Mortal:
I’m in the middle of a couple other books right now and am on the library waiting lists for what I hope to be some good ones.
Be Happy, Be Healthy!

Fellow RD rec – I just finished Born Round and loved it.
Thanks Emily! I’ll put that one on my ‘to read’ list for sure!