Happy New Year! I hope you had a happy and safe New Year’s Eve. We’ve gone to our favorite Food Dance Café NYE dinner for the past few years so the tradition continued on. The food was delicious as usual.
I’m not too big into resolutions but I did decide to take on the 52 books in a year challenge so 2015 is definitely going to be the year of reading for me. I first saw this idea on Caitlyn’s blog and immediately I wanted to do it too.
I love reading and I don’t do it nearly enough. I’ve already put a bunch of books on hold at the library so I’m ready to dive right into the challenge. I’m also looking forward to documenting what books I read here on the blog. I often read a book and never process or really think about what I just read so hopefully this will also make each book a little more meaningful.
I hope to read a variety of types: fiction, nonfiction, and probably a few nutrition related reads or cookbooks too. I think I will also count audiobooks since I want to get back into listening to audiobooks on my commute. I finally figured out how to get library audiobooks on my phone so I should be all set.
Since it is about 6 degrees outside today, I think it is the perfect day to curl up on the couch and start reading!
Happy New Year!

Nice photo selection