Broccoli and Kale Pizza


Have you tried adding some green to your pizza?  Broccoli and kale make surprisingly good pizza toppings!  I started adding broccoli to my pizza after having a deep and meaningful conversation with some close friends regarding all time favorite pizza toppings.  One friend said broccoli.  I was a bit skeptical but since then I’ve tried it and have been loving it.  Plus when you buy a a ridiculously large bag of broccoli at Costco, you start to put it on everything.


Even if you don’t like the taste you can’t deny it makes the perfect red, white, and green Christmas pizza!

Healthy Pantry Cookies

I’ve made various versions of the famous Pinterest 2-ingredient cookies in the past.  The base is always 2 bananas and a cup of oatmeal and then I add in whatever I have handy in the pantry.  This is the version I came up with today.


Healthy Pantry Cookies

2 bananas (the riper, the better)

1 cup rolled oats

1/2 cup walnuts

1/4 cup peanut butter

1/4 cup coconut flakes

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Generous pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Mix all ingredients together until well blended.  I find that if I mush up the banana a little while still in the peel it mixes very easily.  Grease a cookie sheet with coconut oil/butter/cooking spray.  I like to use coconut oil since it helps bring out the coconut flake flavor.  Spoon generous scoops onto a cookie sheet.  Cook for 15 minutes or until cookies are set and golden around the edges.



Feel free to add in chocolate chips, dried fruit, or whatever sounds good.  These cookies are very forgiving.  I like to eat mine with a little extra peanut butter spread on top.  If you are looking for a sweet dessert like cookie I might recommend adding a little sweetener but for a quick snack these work for me.


Be Healthy, Be Happy!


What I Ate Wednesday

Starting off with a typical smoothie full of frozen berries, kale, beets, carrots, apples, etc.

Mid morning snack of homemade applesauce.


And a fresh baked cookie (recipe coming soon!).


Lunch was dinner leftovers – cauliflower mash and homemade chicken pot pie. (My first attempt at a pot pie and it was a success!)


Two more cookies with peanut butter and an apple as an afternoon snack.

Dinner was a bit random but sometimes that happens on busy nights.  First we had some kale chips with salt, garlic and onion powder, and shredded cheddar.  Salty and good!IMG_2245.JPG

Then we had a chicken sandwich with shredded chicken, pineapple, Jarlsberg, and avocado – kind of like a Hawaiian sandwich  but a little bit weirder. 

Today was a little short on fresh veggies but not everyday is perfect.  :)

Be Happy, Be Healthy!

Cider Syrup


We were blessed with a gallon of local apple cider recently.  I love cider but it is hard for just two of us to drink a whole gallon before it starts to get hard and fizzy.  I actually got the idea to make cider syrup from my dad.  I had never tried it but it sounded like a pretty easy task.  I did some googling and found a few recipes that called for adding sugar and butter but I decided to keep it purely cider.  I put about 48 ounces of cider in a saucepan, brought it to a boil and then turned down to simmer for about 3 hours.



Since there is some sediment in cider, I also decided to strain the final product.  I cooked this batch for about 3 1/2 hours and it reduced down to 1 cup of syrup.  So the reduction is pretty intense but the syrup does pack quite a punch and a little goes a long way.


What results is a super sweet but also deliciously tart syrup.  I first used it on top of vanilla ice cream and oh man was it good. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.  Next I want to try it on pancakes, roasted root veggies or squash, or maybe on top of a savory dish like roasted pork tenderloin.  This would also be fun to bottle up in small jars and give as a hostess or small holiday gift.


Other ways to use up cider:

Cider Braised Greens 

One Bowl Pumpkin Cider Bread 

Cider Mimosas – Food Dance Cafe (one of my favorite local restaurants) serves cider mimosas in the fall and they are delicious!

I also will probably throw some in the freezer in small batches.

Be Healthy, Be Happy!

Cleaning the Microwave the All-Natural Way

We were harboring a dirty secret in our house for awhile – our microwave was disgusting!  I am not one that loves cleaning and the microwave is always very low on the chore list.  Well today I decided to tackle it.  I was inspired by a rock hard lemon at the bottom of our fruit bowl that was long forgotten.  I knew the crusted on gunk would be a pain to scrub off but I’ve found microwaving a cut up lemon in a bowl of water makes the crusty bits easy to wipe off.  I microwaved the bowl for about 7 minutes and then let it sit and steam for awhile (or I forgot about it for about 20 minutes).  Then I just took a sponge and wiped it down. I’ll let the pictures show the difference.



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Much better and no harsh chemicals needed!  Plus I then threw the softened lemons down the garbage disposal which helps dissipate any nasty smells coming from your sink.   Cleaning with natural products for the win!

Homemade Chicken Stock

chicken stock

I make a lot of soup during the winter and the best soup always starts with homemade chicken stock.  I swear you cannot mess this up and once you realize how easy it is, store bought stock will be a thing of the past. I never have followed a recipe and it always turns out just fine.  It basically is just throwing veggie scraps and chicken bones in a crockpot and that’s all there is to it.

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I keep a large Ziplock in the freezer to collect veggie scraps – usually kale and broccoli stems, onion ends, carrot peelings – you get the idea.Then anytime we roast a chicken I keep the bones and throw them in with the veggie scraps, cover with water, and call it a day.   This time I put in about 64 ounces of water, a few large handfuls of veggies, a handful of salt and pepper, and chicken bones (not pictured due to their unappetizing nature).  If I don’t have veggie scraps I’ll cut up a few onions, potatoes, carrots, etc and that works just fine.  In the summer, I also throw in fresh herbs.

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Cook on low overnight and wake up to a house that smells like chicken soup and delicious chicken stock.


I usually put the majority of the stock in the freezer right away but you can refrigerate it and then skim off the fat if you prefer.



Have a great day!

Fresh Figs

I don’t remember the first time I had a fresh fig but somewhere along the line I learned to love them.  Unfortunately fresh figs are a rarity around these parts so I was super excited to see them in my local grocery store yesterday.  Usually the figs I see at the store are in the Newton form.

_DJG0593 As soon as I got home with these beauties I remembered a Joy the Baker recipe for oatmeal with roasted figs  that I wanted to try.  I also think figs go really well in salads with goat cheese and maybe a balsamic glaze…that will probably be what I do with the rest.


When researching figs, I found out that California is the only state to grow figs commercially and they have a quick growing season.  (That explains why I hardly ever see them!)  Figs are another ancient fruit and are believed date back to 4000 B.C.  In Greek Methodology, the fig symbolizes the autumn harvest which coincides with its growing season.  The growing of fig trees may have also been the start of modern agriculture and it is believed that the first cultivated tree was a fig tree.


The fig apparently isn’t even a fruit at all but a flower turned inside out with thousands of blossoms (seeds) contained within.  I also learned that figs use a special type of wasp for pollination – it sounds like a very complicated process involving the female wasp being inside the fig and the male wasp follows behind. Not very appetizing but interesting nonetheless.  (Thanks Wikipedia!)

Anyways, back to the oatmeal.  Figs + brown sugar = winning combination!  I actually was in a bit of a hurry so I sauteed the figs on the stovetop instead of roasting and it worked out just fine. I also added a few walnuts for a little crunch.


If you happen to see fresh figs anytime soon, grab some.  You won’t regret it!

Cold Weather Essentials

The cold weather has arrived in Michigan.  The leaves have dropped and last week it snowed – winter is definitely on its way.  One of the things I love most about Michigan is the seasons but I really do not like being cold.  You know that physical feeling of being cold – your shoulders are scrunched and your fingers and toes are icy to the touch.  Luckily I’ve figured out some ways to stay toasty and comfortable when the temperatures are dropping.  Here’s what worked for me last winter. (The words ‘Polar Vortex’ alone make me shiver.)

essentials1. A HEATED BLANKET!  If you live somewhere cold, you have to get one of these.  I typically have it on my bed and turn it on a few minutes before getting under the covers.  There is nothing worse than getting into a cold bed and this warms up the sheets perfectly.  I have also been known to use it on the couch on particularly cold days.


2. Cozy layers and warm socks are absolute musts.  I find that if my neck and feet are warm I’m much more comfortable.  Scarves are pretty much part of my outfit every day in the winter and I love them! Last year I also discovered leg warmers. Perfect for wearing over leggings and skinny jeans. Warmth definitely trumps fashion most of the time.
layers socks

3.  My skin does not agree with the cold.  Dry patches, redness, and sometimes my face just hurts after being outside.  My favorite skin savers are Aquaphor and Rose Salve.  I’ll use these around my nose, on my lips, on my hands and nails, and on any dry patches I might have on my face. 


4. Tea, hot chocolate, coffee, or whatever your favorite hot drink is – now is the time to enjoy it.  Nothing warms me up faster than a hot drink.

This winter I’m really going to focus on enjoying the season and relishing those cozy nights in with candles, hot drinks, and my heated blanket.

Have a great day!

What I Ate Wednesday

Some mornings I like to start out with hot water and lemon.  I woke up with a bit of a scratchy throat so this felt nice on this cold morning.

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Then I had a weird craving for something salty so I had some leftover potato soup.  Not every breakfast has to be conventional, you know?

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I took my smoothie with me to work.  We had a training this morning and I would be lying if I said I didn’t get some strange looks when I pulled this out of my bag. Oh well, no shame in being healthy.

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Honeycrisp apple snack – it’s been a great apple season!

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Next snack – trail mix on my drive home.  I needed to stop at the grocery store and I do not do well when shopping hungry.  Can you say hanger and impulse buys??

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For lunch I had a salad with roasted squash and wild rice.  Random pairing but it worked.  I also had a leftover piece of grilled pizza.  Someone stole a rather large bite but I’ll let it slide…this time. :) photo 1 (2)

Dinner was roasted pork tenderloin, sweet potatoes, and more salad with random toppings (hard boiled eggs, bell pepper, and pecans).



Dessert was a piece of dark chocolate.  Salted almond is a delicious combo.

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Finally I finished the night with a cup of my new favorite tea. It is called Orange Cream and I picked it up at a local tea shop Tudor House Tea & Spice.  It tastes just like a creamsicle!

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Healthy Travel Snacks

Packing snacks for a trip is non-negotiable with me.  I always travel with food!  You never know when you are going to be stuck on a plane or in a terminal for who knows how long.  This weekend I’m going on a short trip and the flight is pretty short.  If I was going on a longer trip or flight with multiple connections I would pack A LOT more.

Here’s what I’m taking for this trip.


This trail mix will come in handy on flights and also when in the hotel room.  It has almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, raisins, coconut, and of course just a few dark chocolate bits. 



My other go-to travel snacks are Justin’s almond butter individual packs, granola bars, apples, crackers (I’ll put these in a Tupperware or baggy), ginger chews to help with motion sickness, and tea bags.  It is usually pretty easy to find hot water in a food court or you can ask the flight attendant.  I might bring my own thermos if I have room.  I also always bring a refillable water bottle to fill once I’m through security.



I will pack about half of these snacks in my suitcase so I’ll have some food for the trip home.

Happy Travels!