I make a lot of soup during the winter and the best soup always starts with homemade chicken stock. I swear you cannot mess this up and once you realize how easy it is, store bought stock will be a thing of the past. I never have followed a recipe and it always turns out just fine. It basically is just throwing veggie scraps and chicken bones in a crockpot and that’s all there is to it.
I keep a large Ziplock in the freezer to collect veggie scraps – usually kale and broccoli stems, onion ends, carrot peelings – you get the idea.Then anytime we roast a chicken I keep the bones and throw them in with the veggie scraps, cover with water, and call it a day. This time I put in about 64 ounces of water, a few large handfuls of veggies, a handful of salt and pepper, and chicken bones (not pictured due to their unappetizing nature). If I don’t have veggie scraps I’ll cut up a few onions, potatoes, carrots, etc and that works just fine. In the summer, I also throw in fresh herbs.
Cook on low overnight and wake up to a house that smells like chicken soup and delicious chicken stock.
I usually put the majority of the stock in the freezer right away but you can refrigerate it and then skim off the fat if you prefer.
Have a great day!

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