What I Ate Wednesday

I know many bloggers do WIAW posts so I thought I would give it a try today.

Breakfast-  7:00-7:30 am

Kitchen Sink Smoothie – Derek made the smoothie this morning and put everything but the kitchen sink in the blender. This one included: 1 banana, fresh spinach, 1 carrot, frozen strawberries and blueberries, cantaloupe, chia seeds, hemp hearts, flax seed, and coconut milk. It was surprisingly tasty!


We have a Vitamix blender that has definitely proven to be worth the money. It was an investment but we use it almost everyday. Prior to the Vitamix we had already burned through a Magic Bullet (which I liked for the portion control) but couldn’t handle daily use.

2nd Breakfast – around 10:00-10:30am


I had my favorite summer breakfast of one scrambled egg cooked in coconut oil on whole grain toast with goat cheese and pesto. (I’m going to miss fresh pesto this winter!!!)

Lunch – 12:00 pm


Two pieces of leftover grilled pizza from last night. I felt like my plate was lacking in green so I added spinach with some balsamic glaze on the side.

Snack – 2:30 pm

Raw almonds with raisins and coconut shavings. Nuts are my go to work snack.  The coconut shavings are very finely ground – I would recommend getting bigger coconut pieces for trailmix.  It looked like it snowed on my desk when I was done eating.


4:30 pm I grabbed this tea on sale at our local health food store.  It was interesting – it sort of reminded me of toothpaste but in a pleasant way.


5:00pm After work, before workout snack

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Peanut butter with blueberries on whole grain bread

7:30pm – Dinner 

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Kale chips with nutritional yeast as an appetizer. (Kale chips are delicious but they do not taste like ‘chips’!)

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Grilled cod with mango, cucumber, avocado salsa along with grilled zucchini with a turmeric vinaigrette and fresh corn off the cob.  Cod isn’t the best fish for grilling but the flavor was good – not fishy at all!

Summer Breakfast

I am always hungriest in the morning.  Most mornings my stomach is what gets me out of bed – it is always rumbling when I first wake up. Most mornings either Derek or I make a smoothie to split. The smoothie has some pretty intense ingredients (flax, chia, kale, maca) which makes for an interesting flavor but that is whole other post. Anyways, I love the smoothie for a sure fire way to get a variety of nutrients and vitamins but it just doesn’t fill me up. So I typically have a second breakfast.

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I’ve been loving some sort of egg, pesto, and goat cheese combo this summer. This morning I went with a hard boiled egg over pesto and goat cheese on toasted whole grain bread. It is the perfect combo of creamy, salty, and crunchy.

Besides tasting delicious, eggs are a great source of protein and B12.  The combo of the two mini breakfasts kept me satisfied through a yoga class and running a few errands.  I also believe that eating a bit more in the morning makes me a less likely to feel snacky at night.

I don’t follow the no eating after a certain time rule – if I’m hungry, I eat! But I do like to eat the majority of my calories before 8 or 9 pm.