Hamburger buns are one of those things that I hate to buy since we never use up all eight before they get lost in the depths of our fridge. I’ve tried freezing the extras but they never taste as good the second time around. One solution is just to not buy buns and get creative. Enter collard greens! Use a collard green leaf in place of buns or bread and it is a win win situation. Collard greens are a great source of Vit K, Vit A, and one of the best foods for lowering cholesterol. I have always been hesisitant about collard greens since I always thought they were tough and bitter. Turns out that isn’t true at all.
The taste is very subtle and they are tender but with enough structure that they make a perfect wrap. I used one in place of a bun for one of Derek’s homemade veggie burgers and it worked like a charm.
Try it, you might like it!
Be Happy, Be Healthy!

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