This time of year we do the bulk of our grocery shopping at the Farmers’ Market. I love it! It feels so good to support local farmers and the produce typically tastes better than the produce that has been sitting in the supermarket for who knows how long. This is what we picked up last weekend. Everything looked so fresh and delicious I just had to capture it (well actually Derek took the pictures. Thanks Derek!)
We got:
Brussels sprouts, beets, bell peppers, watermelon, cantaloupe, broccoli, carrots, red onions, eggs, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, nectarines, kale (two types), eggs, pork tenderloin, a whole chicken, and chicken thighs. Oh and I can’t forget the dog treats that smell like banana bread (spoiled dogs).
A few of the things that have resulted from this trip so far are:
-steamed broccoli
-roasted brussels sprouts
-eggs for breakfast and hard boiled eggs for snacks
-Shutterbean’s Masala Kale Chips (so good!)
-From the whole chicken – we roasted it and used the chicken for Lentil-Chicken Soup (this recipe is a definite keeper!) and chicken enchiladas. We also made chicken stock from the bones.
-Beets, carrots, and fruit have been used up in smoothies
If you have a Farmers’ Market in your area, please go support it!

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