Homemade S’mores

S’mores are probably one of my top 5 favorite foods.  I love how they taste, what feelings/memories they evoke (bonfires, summer, beaches), and how easy they are to make! Three ingredients and a flame is all you need.

This past weekend a s’mores craving hit!  This time I decided to experiment with some homemade ingredients.  I had made graham crackers before and they were surprisingly easy.   This was my first time making marshmallows.  The s’more that resulted was pretty much the best thing I’ve eaten all year!  Homemade foods for the win!

Making marshmallows is a little involved mainly because you have to watch the temperature. The basic steps are boil sugar and corn syrup and then whip until fluffy.  This Kitchn post has great step by step pics and instructions.  I halved the recipe and it made about 20 marshmallows.   One thing I didn’t realize before starting the process was that  marshmallows have to cure which usually takes a few hours.  So our s’mores had more of a marshmallow cream element which was fine by me.

It took about 10 minutes for the mixture to turn fluffy and white.

marshmallow Collage


I cut them up the next day after they had firmed up a bit.  I only used a tiny portion of the powdered sugar/cornstarch mixture that was in the recipe.


Now on to the graham crackers!  I love this recipe from Kitchen Simplicity.  It doesn’t call for graham flour and I always have all the ingredients on hand.  The dough comes together really easily and rolling it out wasn’t bad at all.  I always dread rolling things out because of the dough sticking to everything but using the parchment paper prevented any dough stickage.






Derek had the idea to put the chocolate on the graham right as they were coming out of the oven since we weren’t going to be roasting the mallows.  It melted the chocolate perfectly!  That man is a genius.  I’m going to be dreaming about this s’more for years to come.


Have a great day!

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