This is the 3rd summer in our current home. Each year we have added a few more additions to our garden. This year the zucchini and cucumbers were amazing! I planted just one cucumber and two zucchini plants late spring and they have been producing like crazy since July. Yesterday I ate zucchini at every meal – zucchini bread for breakfast, zucchini soup for lunch, and zucchini fritters for dinner (See below). I will not let myself get sick of it since I know I’ll miss it this winter.
Our tomatoes are heavy with fruits but some of the leaves have turned brown and shriveling – what causes this?? It happened last year too. It doesn’t seem to affect the tomatoes but it isn’t very pretty to look at. We added fertilizer and also got a soaker hose to see if that helps remedy the problem.
We also have quite a few herbs. We have basil, rosemary, thyme, mint (regular and chocolate!), chives, lemon balm, lemongrass, summer savory, cilantro, and lavender. Fresh basil pesto has become one of my daily cravings.
I also tried beets and carrots for the first time. The beets are doing really well, the carrots not so much. I think the soil is a little too hard for the carrots to grow through since they are just producing sad looking stubs (See below).
Growing a garden has got to be one of my favorite summer time activities!

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