This weekend we went to a Tigers game and decided to go to the Tiger’s Den buffet before the game. We got a great seat by the window so we had a view of the field while the players warmed up.
The food situation is an all-you-can-eat buffet. These type of dining experiences are a real test of will power and restraint. Everything always looks so tasty! However, trying everything can lead to major regret or worse – dreaded GI distress! Here are my tips for getting out of a buffet happy and healthy:
1. First, take a walk through to survey all the options. If I start grabbing everything in sight my plate fills up fast and usually with a lot of things I would have rather skipped. For instance, this buffet started with an omelet bar, then a meat station, and then at the end there was fresh fruit, salad, and smoothies. By knowing that there were more options I opted to skip the omelets and the meats and fill up on the fresh foods.
2. Fill half your plate with fresh fruits or veggies. This is a nod to the USDA’s MyPlate (the model that replaced the old Food Pyramid). It’s a pretty simple rule, just divide your plate in half and make sure it is filled with fruit and veggies.
(The white substance was a cheese (maybe feta) dip. It was much more appetizing than it looks.)
3. If you take something but don’t end up truly enjoying it, leave it on the plate! Think of your stomach as a limited space where only the most delicious foods can gain access. Don’t let it get full on those less worthy foods. For example, I took a piece of banana bread and it was amazing. So you better believe, I ate the whole piece and enjoyed every bite. Now, I also decided to order a dessert but it wasn’t that good so I took 4 or 5 bites and decided to call it quits.
4. Don’t stress too much. Most people eat at buffets once in a blue moon. One indulgent meal isn’t going to ruin everything. I believe food is fuel but I also believe that food is meant to be enjoyed!
Good luck at your next buffet!

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