I find that when have an exciting line up of podcasts on my phone it is much easier to get out for a run. I have found that I do run a little slower when listening to podcasts instead of music but that’s ok by me. If I feel like running faster, I’ll choose one of my favorite music apps.
I also listen to podcasts when doing housework which makes it a tad more enjoyable.
-I love adding short NPR podcasts to my playlist from the NPR app. They are short and always are interesting. I usually add the most from the Health section. I also like Fresh Air, Splendid Table, and This American Life for longer runs.
-I also listen to longer podcasts such as (please note that the descriptions came from the podcast websites themselves):
-Joy the Baker - The Joy the Baker Podcast is a weekly, candid look behind the scenes of Joy’s popular blog. Joy is joined by Tracy Benjamin, better known as Shutterbean. Together, they talk about recipes, photography, blog life, being a mom, not being a mom, married life, dating life, and… candy. It’s silly. It’s funny, and they want you to be there.
– Death, Sex, and Money – A podcast about the big questions and hard choices that are often left out of polite conversation. Host Anna Sale talks to celebrities and regular people about relationships, money, family, work and making it all count while we’re here.
These are good for longer runs, driving, or folding laundry. These can be downloaded from the iTunes Podcast app.
Music Apps
-Songza! Songza is an amazing free music app. You choose the type of mood you’re in and then the genre of music you feel like. It never lets me down. I’ve favorited a bunch of different stations. It usually only has one commercial when you first open the app.
-Good ole’ Pandora. I think most people are familiar with Pandora. My favorite feature is the ability to shuffle through all your different stations which keeps it interesting. The ads can be a little annoying when running but they are really short.
For running, my favorite ear buds are these . They never fall out!

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