I have a quite few cookbooks but they are hidden away in a cupboard that rarely sees the light of day. It’s just too easy to hop on my phone and search for a recipe. But…sometimes I just want to not have to deal with unlocking my phone every few minutes while cooking or having to scroll through hundreds of options (these are definitely first world problems) and that’s when a cookbook comes in handy.
My recent favorite is the Oh She Glows Cookbook. Angela’s blog was one of the first food blogs I started reading. She is a vegan and while I’m not a vegan all her recipes look delicious to me. I decided to buy this cookbook one day when I was feeling uninspired with healthy eating (It happens to the best of us!). It turned out to be a great purchase. The food photography is beautiful and all the recipes are on my to-make list now. The majority of ingredients are just regular food so you won’t have to go on a hunt in the health food store for random vegan ingredients to make these recipes which I appreciate. Also, the cover of this book is so bright and colorful I find myself leaving it on display instead of in the dusty cookbook cabinet.
Some of the recipes I have tried so far are the beet smoothie, sweet potato enchiladas, lentil loaf, and the most made recipe is definitely the veggie burger (Derek actually loves to make these!).
If you are looking for a last minutes Christmas gift I would definitely recommend this book for anyone that loves to cook (not just health nuts!). If you know of any other cookbooks I might enjoy, please let me know!
Be Healthy, Be Happy!

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