Here are some random Friday favorites for you today!
1. Favorite App – Snapchat
I’m probably about 3 years behind on this trend but I’ve been liking Snapchat lately. I am not super adept at social media and I like that Snapchat is just snippets of unfiltered real life. Leave your username in the comments – I need to find some more peeps to follow! My username is happyhealthyrd.
2. Favorite Place – Lake Michigan
I grew up along Lake Michigan and it still is one of my favorite places to go especially in the summer. The sunsets can’t be beat and apparently Derek and I who rarely take selfies love a beach selfie. I think it holds a special place in our hearts since that’s where we spent lots of time together back in our high school days. That day when we were walking on the pier, we actually ran into my favorite high school Chemistry teacher – shoutout to Mr. Stap!
3. Favorite Smoothie – Mango Avocado Smoothie
I’ve been recreating my mango avocado smoothie a lot recently. This time I added a little bit of kale so it came out lime green – still tasted good!
4. Favorite Discovery – Dollar Shave Club
There are a few things in life that I hate spending money on: razors are on the top of that list. Does it not seem like razor cartridges are ridiculously expensive?? I finally signed up for the Dollar Shave Club and am loving it. First, it is super affordable and second, it ships automatically so there’s no having to remember to buy razors and then getting annoyed at the price involved. Plus I’m a sucker for clever packaging. I also signed my Dad up for Father’s Day and I think he is liking it too. Recommend!
What have you been loving lately??
Have a wonderful weekend!
Be Happy, Be Healthy!

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