I love my Toms but they were in desperate need of a wash. The pics don’t do justice to how dirty and dingy they were but trust me, they were bad. I always have been unsure how to wash them but a little googling told me that they could actually go in the washing machine.
I pretreated some of the stains with a mixture of a Oxy stain stick and Bac-Out Stain Remover. I threw them in a garment bag and used the delicate cycle with cold water. They came out better than I expected! To help brighten them even more, I suggest drying in the sun. I wouldn’t recommend putting them in the dryer or using any sort of heat which might compromise the sole.
The insides look a lot cleaner too but I forgot to snap a pic. Also either a cloud had just passed or those white Toms really make my ankles look tan. My poor blue TOMS still have a little hole near the toe…my next project will be how to sew or patch that up.
My love for TOMS now is even stronger knowing that they are machine washable.
Be Happy, Be Healthy!

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