It seems like Michigan got hit hard with the common cold the past few weeks. Everywhere I go it seems like someone is just getting over the dreaded bug. Unfortunately I was one of them! This RD was neither happy or healthy the past week. Ugh, I hate being sick and I’m the first to admit that I’m not good at being sick…I’m not sure if anyone is good at being sick but I actually annoy myself. I’m lazy, full of complaints, and just annoyed by life when I don’t feel well. Luckily I don’t get sick too often. Plus, I’ve come up with some cold necessities that I think are effective and help me endure any illness.
First I wanted to mention a few things I do to protect myself from getting sick. So if you haven’t gotten the bug yet maybe start implementing these tips asap!
- Get enough sleep – no excuses. Being under slept is the number one reason it seems like I get sick. Everyone needs a different amount of sleep but I shoot for at least 8 hours.
- Wash your hands – all the time. Wash all the usual times and then some. Especially when you are out in public or if you are shaking hands with a lot of people.
- Eat your fruits and veggies – duh, of course I’m going to say this but really those fresh fruits and vegs are going to help fight those cold germs better than anything else
- Stay hydrated – this is also another given but I start to find myself forgetting to drink enough water when the temps cool off. Keep those water bottles close at all times!
- – I am a believer in Zicam although I know the research backing zinc supplements isn’t the strongest. I have had success fighting colds as long as I start taking it as soon as I feel the first symptom and stick to the instructions of taking it every 3 hours.
Ok, so obviously even if you do all those things you still might end up getting the sniffles. I always try to trace back or figure out how to blame something for why I got my cold. This time I’m blaming it on lack of sleep and traveling. I was out of town two different times in one week and I think it just wore me out. Oh, plus I ran a trail race that involved jumping into pond in the middle of a cow field. I’m sure there weren’t any nasties in that water. (But it was worth it! Much fun was had. )
Ok, on to the cold necessities.
1.– I use this essential oil a few different ways. Breathing in eucalyptus is soothing to congested noses and can help with coughs. I like to use it a few different ways. I keep a bottle in the shower and when it is nice and steamy, I just drop a few drops on the shower floor and the shower fills with head clearing steam. If I’m really stuffed up, I will also fill my bathroom sink with steaming water and a few drops of eucalyptus oil then I hunch over the sink with a towel around my shoulders to trap the steam and breathe that in. But please be careful and don’t get too close to the steam – you could burn your nose hairs (speaking from experience)!
2. An bath feels so good when a cold is leaving you achy all over. I use about 2 cups for a full bath.
3. Sleep! Sleep also makes this list. I need at least 8 hours for several consecutive nights to heal from a cold. Going to bed at a reasonable hour is a necessity to give your body time to recover. Go to bed early people! You won’t regret it.
4. Fluids – I drink all the fluids when I’m sick. Water all day, hot tea, and soup will help keep everything hydrated and will help with nose drainage. I like brothy soups best when feeling under the weather like chicken noodle, pho, or ramen soup. My favorite tea combo is tea, fresh lemon juice, and a teaspoon of honey. It tastes good and helps ease the pain of a sore throat.
6. Have you tried these tissues yet? are infused with aloe and coconut oil and have a cooling sensation. I don’t think blowing your nose can ever be pleasant but at least these help.
7. Oh the neti pot (). I’m not going to pretend I enjoy using a neti pot but I do think it is the number one thing to help a stuffy nose. For those who aren’t familiar with a neti pot it is used to flush out the sinuses. It is recommended to use and distilled water. The Himalayan Institute has a more information and instructions if you are interested.
Well, I hope that you miss out on the all the fun of the common cold but if you happen to get hit hopefully these tips help you get healthy soon!
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Be Happy, Be Healthy!

I’ve heard lots of good things about nasal rinses, my sister does them all the time and she says it helps with congestion!
Emily @ Zen & Spice recently posted…Spicy Black Bean Taco French Bread Pizza
I think it does really help! It is also supposed to help if you suffer from allergies. Not the most pleasant experience but it’s bearable once you get used to it.