Well, I’m starting to realize that 52 books in a year is a challenge! I suppose it is possible to read 27 books before the end of the year but I’m ok if I don’t quite reach my goal. I think just having the goal in the back of my mind helped me put down my phone or turn off the TV at night and take a little time to read. I’m about 1/2 way through 4 different books right now and I’m hold for at the library for a bunch of best sellers. Hopefully they all don’t come available at once – that seems to always happen to me! I’m going to keep trying to read a little at least everyday (ok, well let’s shoot for most days). So I’ll still be back with more updates soon!
Here’s what I’ve read lately:
21. by Alisa Vitti
This was an interesting read. I heard about this book from listening to the author on The Lively Show podcast. She has some interesting thoughts about women’s health and how nutrition can affect your hormones and cycles. I think it is worth a read if you are suffering from hormonal imbalances, severe PMS, etc.
22. by Elin Hilderbrand
This wasn’t my favorite Elin novel. I couldn’t connect with the main characters but the story line was still interesting. It was a good vacation read.
23. by Celeste Ng
This book was on one of those lists I kept seeing online about 30 books everywoman in their 30’s should read. Unfortunately I wasn’t a fan. It was well written but it was sad! I debated not finishing it but I kept hoping that it would turn around and I would glean some life lesson but no such luck.
24. by Jennifer Weiner
I like most books by Jennifer Weiner. This one was good! The main character was actually a blogger. It is weird to now be reading books that talk about blogging and social media…but I guess that is the norm now so we should get used to it.
25. by Anne Lamott
Ok, so I kept hearing this author mentioned and people kept saying her book was life changing. But turns out, it was Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott not the book I read. So this book was not life changing. I think Anne Lamott has a beautiful writing style. However this book was about a family who was struggling with their teenage daughter’s drug use and I couldn’t get into it. Maybe if I had a teenager I would have connected more with this story. It took me forever to read this one because it would always but me right to sleep. I might still try to read Bird by Bird.
I keep finding myself about 20% through a book that I’m not really enjoying but I’ll keep trudging through it. I think from now on I need just move on. I know there are so many wonderful page turners out there, life’s too short to spend time reading a book I’m not enjoying, don’t you think??
Past 52 Books Posts:
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I love to read and would love to do one of these challenges for myself. This is the second time in less than 24 hours I have heard Anne Lamott Bird By Bird mentioned. I will have to give that one a try
Allie recently posted…
I keep hearing about Bird by Bird too! It must be good. It’s on my list to read soon. Thanks for stopping by!
I need to read more! This looks like a great list!
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