52 Books in a Year Update #5

Well, this past month was a good month for reading.  I managed to stick to a book a week but I’m still going to have to pick it up to make it to my goal of 52 books in a year.  Here’s what I’ve read lately:

12.  by Lena Dunham – In true LD fashion, this book was basically just an overshare of Lena’s life and upbringing.  There were a few funny parts but also some very weird parts.  I would say if you are a big fan of the show “Girls” you would like it.

13.  by Emma Hooper – This was a tender little novel.  The characters were wholesome and it was an interesting storyline.  It reminded me of something you might read in a high school literature class.

14.  by Paula Hawkins – Of course I had to read this book.  It was getting so much hype that I might have built it up too much.  It was good but at times I felt it was slow and nothing was really happening.  That being said, I still read it pretty quickly and it would make a good beach read.

15.  by Graeme Simison – This book was too cute.  It was lighthearted, funny, and I loved it.  I just saw that there is a sequel – I’ll definitely be reading that next.

Past 52 Books Posts:

Update #1

Update #2

Update #3

Update #4

Be Healthy, Be Happy!


    • HappyHealthyRD says

      Thanks Kelly! I love Rainbow Rowell books – I’ve read Eleanor and Park. But this reminds me to check out some of her other books!


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